
will.i.am - Yes We Can

這兩天都在HBO、CNN、網路上狂看Barack Obama的就職演說跟就職相關活動消息,真的覺得Obama的演講技巧擅動人心,眼神與肢體都讓人感受到誠懇,即使在選戰中諸多尖銳的批評與挑戰,終究他成為美國歷史上第一位非裔美國人總統。整個compaign策略讓他建立清新又親民的形象,Obama的logo與相關肖像與藝術結合,『Yes, We can』成為經典口號,還可以在wikipedia上面找到這句話 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_We_Can 由艾美獎幾位歌手以及will.i.am為Obama在New Hampshrine演講稿譜曲後,出現這支『Yes, We can』的MV,很巧妙的結合歌唱、Obama演講以及群眾歡呼聲。讓我聽了忍不住也想站起來大喊『Yes, We can』啊!!!!will.i.am在這裡(http://yeswecan.dipdive.com/biography/)描述了為什麼他會寫這首歌的動機。

will.i.am Yes We Can Lyrics It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation. Yes we can. It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom. Yes we can. It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness. Yes we can. It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land. Yes we can to justice and equality. Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world. Yes we can. We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change. (We want change.) We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics…they will only grow louder and more dissonant ……….. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea: Yes We Can.  

MC Yogi - Vote for Hope '08


這一首Rap也是結合Obama其中一場演講詞,我ㄤ說這首歌比Yes, We Can更慷慨激昂啊! 而這位歌手也因此發片了哩,請看MC Yogi的官方網站 http://mcyogi.com/其中MV動畫也是做得很流暢啊,而且延續之前肖像畫的風格,MP3跟MV都可以在MC Yogi網站下載。沒想到政見也可以至麼好聽啊~ 
chorus Change begins when we believe / in a brighter day a better way to succeed / together we can make it better you and me / so we can be safe and prosperous and free Ladies and gentleman beautiful intelligent / friends of all ages races and measurements / us citizens world wide residents / what ever your religion is or sexual preference / there’s no separateness one things connecting us / the planet we inhabit plus all the different elements / that’s the reason why we need a new president / someone who understands interconnectedness / and won’t go to war based on false evidence / who’s not addicted to oil and aggressiveness / who believes in global warming and he’ll fight pollution / instead of shredding and abusing our constitution / the candidate in 08 that we’ll be choosing / is Barack Obama cuz he’s gonna offer real solutions / lets get involved and offer all our contributions / vote for hope join the movement of the revolution chorus Change begins when we believe / in a brighter day a better way to succeed / together we can make it better you and me / so we can be safe and prosperous and free I hold this truth to be self evident / it’s time for Barack Obama to become president / that’s why I’m calling to my nation and my generation / this is our moment no more waiting or procrastinating / we gotta make it happen; time for some action / it don’t matter if your black white asian latin / we gotta vote for hope; and steer clear of fear / regardless of the garbage they put in our ears / the talking head on the radio and television / spinning the facts treating us like we’re little children / but even with the propaganda they can’t stop us can they / cuz we know in our souls that we’re gonna stand up / & let our voices be heard word to the people / lets make sure this election is fair and equal / no more illegal war dying on a distant shore / and that’s the reason why Obama’s who we’re voting for / he can restore our reputation in the world / and that’s the reason why Obama’s who were voting for / so we can be prosperous free and feel secure / and that’s the reason why Obama’s who were voting for chorus Change begins when we believe / in a brighter day a better way to succeed / together we can make it better you and me / so we can be safe and prosperous and free

Obama Art Report


我並沒有很著迷Obama本人,但對於他整個選戰策略透過藝術、音樂、網路平台的結合,真的是年輕又有創意暑x...無意間又發現這個網站 The Obama Art Report (http://www.obamaartreport.com/),收集許多因為Obama compaign影響的相關報導,還分析了經典Obama肖像畫的原始照片。Obama藝術風格延燒...不知道還會影響到哪些商品與設計...

不過...Obama logo跟百事可樂還真像啊...





但...這些把戲是無法用在真人身上的,只好默默的度過某些時刻,我記得曾經有一天,待在公司裡一整天只說了兩句話接著默默退場回家。 『沒有話』就這樣不經意發生在我身上,但我也沒有設法解決它。  




雖然沒有房子,但還是可以看家具......家具最求的是質感,最好是能歷久彌新,木質家具一直都是心中首選,雖然可能很貴。 在網路上看到日本一家專門製作木器與家具的公司,Hiromatsu Furniture Inc. http://www.hiromatsu.org/,他們家具設計簡單,適當的將松木溫潤質感傳遞出來,真希望我也能擁有啊。透過不同木質色彩做成漸層色抽屜,看起來好舒服~ img2A20061201020943.jpg img20061201114413.jpg 誰說客廳的桌子一定要是方的呢? 平時喜歡坐地板勝過沙發的我應該更適合用圓桌吧。 img20080622163748.jpg 高床與矮床,我目前比較喜歡矮床,這樣離地面比較近,下床才不會跌倒...(逃生比較方便?) img20061217170141.jpg 以後所有東西都得收到櫃子裡,才能讓家裡跟照片一樣漂亮,但...這得靠大家同心協力!! img20080312161548.jpg


09年春天將有一部關於工業設計的記錄片要上映,片名叫做Objectified,描述人們一天生活中就使用了將近一百種產品,誰製造這些產品?誰決定了產品的操作方式與外觀? 這部片探討什麼是工業設計、設計師們如何做出好設計並如何透過設計讓生活變得更美好。 Objectified官方網站 http://www.objectifiedfilm.com/ 請看Objectified 90秒預告片~  

之前有另一部紀錄片關於視覺設計,片名叫做 Helvetica,追溯Helvetica這套字型的五十年歷史,並訪問全球重要設計師,勾勒出視覺設計在全球化時代的面貌,以及設計如何從細微處改變你我的生活。 Helvetica官方網站http://www.helveticafilm.com/ Helvetica預告片與片段 http://www.helveticafilm.com/clips.html  

這兩部紀錄片都由Gary Hustwit一位獨立製片家所監製,他本身不是視覺設計師也不是工業設計師,但因感受到設計影響到生活周遭,透過拍攝紀錄片讓自己了解設計究竟是怎麼一回事。

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